Grant Notices
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to states and units of local government. The JAG Program is authorized by Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) calculates a minimum base allocation for each state and territory which can be enhanced by (1) the state's share of the national population and (2) the state's share of the country's violent crime statistics. Once the state funding is calculated, sixty percent of the allocation is awarded to the state and forty percent to eligible units of local government.

The City of Reno, City of Sparks and Washoe County law enforcement agencies have been designated as a disparate jurisdiction, and have agreed to share the award as required under the grant. The City of Reno is the acting fiscal agent for the group and all funds must be applied to law enforcement uses.

The following Byrne JAG grants have been awarded by the US Department of Justice to the Reno Police Department:

JAG FY 22 Award:

The City of Reno, City of Sparks and Washoe County law enforcement agencies are eligible for $201,762, in funding under the 2022 JAG grant (15PBJA-22-GG-02180-JAGX). The City of Reno will use these funds to support law enforcement training, equipment and supplies. The City of Sparks will use its portion of funding to support of training and software costs. Washoe County will use its portion to support law enforcement training and supplies for its special teams and initiatives. The grant term expires September 30, 2025.

JAG FY 21 Award:

The City of Reno, City of Sparks and Washoe County law enforcement agencies are eligible for $194,890, in funding under the 2021 JAG grant (15BPJA-21-GG-01710-JAGX). The City of Reno will use these funds to support law enforcement training, equipment and supplies. The City of Sparks will use its portion of funding to support of training and supplies. Washoe County will use its portion to support law enforcement training and supplies for its special teams and initiatives. The grant term expires September 30, 2024.

JAG FY 20 Award:

The City of Reno, City of Sparks and Washoe County law enforcement agencies are eligible for $ 161,256 in funding under the 2020 JAG grant award (2020-DJ-BX-0494). The City of Reno will use these funds to support law enforcement training and equipment. The City of Sparks will use its portion of funding to support of training equipment. Washoe County will use its portion to support law enforcement training, law enforcement software, and supplies for community outreach. The grant term expires September 30, 2023.

JAG FY 19 Award:

The City of Reno, City of Sparks and Washoe County law enforcement agencies are eligible for $159,075 under grant award (2019-DJ-BX-0830). The City of Reno will use its award to support law enforcement training and to purchase law enforcement equipment. Washoe County will support overtime, training and travel, and law enforcement equipment and supplies. Sparks Police Department will support overtime costs and law enforcement equipment. Three percent of the award must be used to support implementation of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). The grant term expires September 30, 2022.