File Report
File a Report

Select Button to Start or Add to Your Report

Seleccione el botón para comenzar o agregar a su informe

File a Report

Select Button to Start or Add to Your Report

Seleccione el botón para comenzar o agregar a su informe

Your Reporting
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Check Existing Report Status

NOTE: Please allow up to 7 days for status response.

Existing Report Status:

In Person or Officer Taken Reports:
To check the status of a report you submitted in person at a police station or a report taken by an Officer or CSO, please contact the Detective Division at 775.334.2115.

Existing Online Reports:
Online Case Status Inquiry

How do I report an abandoned vehicle?
  • Exact location of the vehicle (address it’s parked in front of or the street it’s on and the nearest cross street)
  • Color, make, model, and license plate number
  • Anything that stands out aesthetically, such As damage, flat tires, stickers, etc.
  • How Long it has been since it last moved from its current position.

Reno Police Department representative will then be dispatched to tag the vehicle with a 48-hour warning notice. Parking Enforcement will verify if the vehicle has moved And may cite the vehicle And submit it for towing.

Information for Protection Orders

Graffiti Tagging
  • If you see graffiti on a building, wall, fence, etc., call Reno Direct at 775-334-4636 (INFO) and tell them the location of the graffiti or submit an online service request. We can begin the process to have it removed.
  • If graffiti has occurred on property owned by you, please "Start New Police Report" above to file a police report.

Animal Call/Report

These are usually neighborhood nuisance situations. You will not receive a permanent case number. You may wish to call Washoe Animal Control number 775-322-3647.