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Entering a building or structure unlawfully with intent to steal property.
Example: Property removed from a locked or unlocked home or business.
TPO/EPO Violations
Used to report any violations for active temporary or extended protection orders.
Example: An adverse party attempts to contact a protected party after being served a Temporary Protection Order (TPO).
Destruction of Property
The intentional damaging of private or public property. CALL 334-2121 IF THIS IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING.
Example: Breaking of a window; damage to a mailbox; vehicle tires punctured, etc.
Disturbing the Peace
Any person who makes annoying or malicious noise to disturb the peace of another. CALL 334-2121 IF THIS IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING.
Example: Person making obscene or improper statements to others, neighbors constantly pounding on the ceiling or walls, loud music, etc.
Markings, as initials, slogans, or drawings, written, spray-painted, etched or scratched on private property
Example: Spray-painting drawings on a door or wall, defacing signs, drawing gang initials on a vehicle, etc.
Fraud/Identity Theft
Obtaining someone else's personal identifying information and using it to obtain credit, goods or services.
Someone obtains a credit card using your S.S.N. or obtains phone service using your personal information.
Lost Property
When property is lost or misplaced.
Example: Property that is missing, property left somewhere as in a restaurant, or property missing from home.
Suspicious Circumstances or Civil Problems
Used to report suspicious activities, persons or vehicles, or to document violations of court orders or contract disputes.
Example: Report an unauthorized vehicle or a violation of a custody order.
Stalking/ harassment
Stalking harassment.
Example: A report is made when the adverse party threatens bodily injury or damage to a person or their property or willfully or maliciously engages in a course of conduct directed towards a person that would cause them to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, harassed or fearful for his or her immediate safety.
Your property is taken without your permission. Please note: Stolen Vehicles or license plates may not be reported online.
Example: Your lawn mower is stolen out of your yard, your bicycle is stolen from a rack, etc.
Traffic Accident
If information was exchanged by all drivers involved in the traffic accident, you do not need to submit a police report. Instead, please complete the DMV SR-1 (Report Of Traffic Accident form) and mail it to the NV DMV, per NRS 484E.070 requirements. A copy of the completed DMV SR-1 form can also be submitted to relevant insurance companies if they are asking for an accident report.
For accidents occurring on the freeway or freeway on-ramps/off-ramps, please contact the Nevada State Police.
Entering another's property without permission.
Example: Entering the backyard of a home without permission; returning to a home or business after one has been warned not to be there.
Vehicle Burglary
Property is stolen from a motor vehicle.
Example: Stolen equipment or belongings from a vehicle.
Vehicle Tampering
Any person that removes or tampers with any part of a vehicle to make it unsafe to drive, or prevent it from operating.
Example: Cutting a vehicle's brake lines, loosening the lug nuts, pouring sugar into the gas tank, etc.
Although you cannot file an online report, you still have options for filing this report. Please contact the RPD Front Desk at 775-334-2175 to discuss your reporting options. The front desk is available Mon-Sat from 8:00am - 5:30pm.
If you are unable to reach the front desk, please call the Reno Police Department's non-emergency dispatch number at 775-334-2121. Dispatchers will assess your situation and provide you with the most appropriate options for filing this report.
Entrar a un edificio o estructura para robar propiedad
Ejemplo: Quitar propiedad de un hogar o negocio cerrado con o sin llave.
Violación de TPO/EPO
Se utiliza para informar cualquier infracción de órdenes de protección activas temporales o extendidas.
Ejemplo: una parte adversa intenta comunicarse con una parte protegida después de recibir una Orden de protección temporal (TPO).
Destruccion de Propiedad
Destruccion intencional de propiedad privada o publica. Llame a 331-2121 si esto esta pasando ahorita.
Ejemplo: Quebrar una ventana, danar una caja de correo, llantas de vehiculos ponchadas.
Molestando la Paz
Qualqier person hacienda ruidos molestosos o maliciosos al molestar la paz de una persona. Llame a 331-2121 si esto esta pasando ahorita.
Ejemplo: Person making obscene or improper statements to others, neighbors constantly pounding on the ceiling or walls, loud music, etc.
Marcas, como iniciales, eslogans, or dibujos, escritas con pintura de espray, grabadas o rayadas a propiedad privada
Ejemplo: Dibujos en pinturas de espray en una puerta o pared, iniciales de pandilla en un vehiculo, etc.
Fraude/Robo de Indentidad
Obtener la identidar personal de otra persona y usandola para obtener credito, mercansia o servicios
Ejemplo: SObtener cartas de credito usando su numero de seguro social o obtener servicios de telefono usando su informacion personal
Propiedad Perdida
Cuando propiedad es perdida.
Ejemplo: Propiedad que es perdida, propiedad que se olvido en algun lugar como un restaurante o propiedad perdida en casa.
Circunstancias Sospechosas o problemas civiles
Se utiliza para informar actividades, personas o vehículos sospechosos, o para documentar violaciones de órdenes judiciales o disputas contractuales.
Ejemplo: Reportar un vehículo no autorizado o una violación de una orden de custodia.
Acecho/ acoso
Ejemplo: Se realiza un informe cuando la parte adversa amenaza con causar lesiones corporales o daños a una persona o su propiedad o participa intencional o maliciosamente en un curso de conducta dirigido hacia una persona que le haría sentirse aterrorizada, asustada, intimidada, acosada o temerosa. por su seguridad inmediata.
Robo (Theft)
Su propiedad llevada sin su permiso. Por favor note: Vehiculos o placas robadas no se pueden reportar en linia.
Ejemplo: Su maquina de cortar zacate es robada de la yarda, se roban su bicicleta, etc.
Accidente de Trafico
Si todos los conductores involucrados en el accidente de tránsito intercambiaron información, no es necesario que envíe un informe policial. En su lugar, complete el formulario DMV SR-1 (Informe de accidente de tránsito) y envíelo por correo al DMV de Nevada, según los requisitos de NRS 484E.070. También se puede enviar una copia del formulario DMV SR-1 completo a las compañías de seguros pertinentes si solicitan un informe de accidente.
Para accidentes que ocurran en la autopista o en las rampas de entrada/salida de la autopista, comuníquese con la Policía Estatal de Nevada.
Entrar la propiedad de otra persona sin permiso.
Ejemplo: Entrar la yarda de un hogar sin permiso, regresar al hogar o negocio despues de haber sido advertido de no estar alli.
Robo a Vehiculo
Propiedad robada de un vehiculo.
Ejemplo: Equipo robado o cosas robadas de un vehiculo.
Alterar un Vehiculo
Persona que quita o altera qualquier parte de un vehicle para hacerlo inseguro para manejar o prevenir la operacion.
Ejemplo: Cortar las linias de frenos del vehiculo, soltando las llantas, poner asucar en el tanque de gas..
Aunque no pueda hacer un reporte de policia en linia basada en su respuesta, usted tiene dos opciones para archivar este reporte. Por favor vea las sigientes opciones.
Aunque no puede presentar un informe en línea, todavía tiene opciones para presentar este informe. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la recepción del RPD al 775-334-2175 para discutir sus opciones de reporte. La recepción está disponible de lunes a sábado de 8:00am a 5:30pm.
Si no puede comunicarse con la recepción, por favor llame al número de despacho de no-emergencia del Departamento de Policía de Reno al 775-334-2121. Los despachadores evaluarán su situación y le proporcionarán las opciones más apropiadas para presentar esta denuncia.
Anonymously report info regarding any crime. Call 775-322-4900 or visit this Secret Witness link .
Report info regarding person(s) using, selling or distributing drugs using this Drug Link at Cop Logic..
NOTE: Please allow up to 7 days for status response.
Existing Report Status:
In Person or Officer Taken Reports:
To check the status of a report you submitted in person at a police station or a report taken by an Officer or CSO, please contact the Detective Division at 775.334.2115.
Existing Online Reports:
Online Case Status Inquiry
In Reno, anyone may park on any public street, regardless of who owns the home where the vehicle Is parked. However, vehicles on a public street for 48 hours Or more without moving are considered abandoned (even if the vehicle belongs to the home it's parked in front of).
To report an abandoned vehicle, citizens should contact Reno Direct at 775-334-4636,, Or via chat on Be prepared to provide as much of the following information as possible
- Exact location of the vehicle (address it’s parked in front of or the street it’s on and the nearest cross street)
- Color, make, model, and license plate number
- Anything that stands out aesthetically, such As damage, flat tires, stickers, etc.
- How Long it has been since it last moved from its current position.
Reno Police Department representative will then be dispatched to tag the vehicle with a 48-hour warning notice. Parking Enforcement will verify if the vehicle has moved And may cite the vehicle And submit it for towing.
Information for Protection Orders
For information on types of protections orders And how to file, please see: A Guide to Protection Orders
- If you see graffiti on a building, wall, fence, etc., call Reno Direct at 775-334-4636 (INFO) and tell them the location of the graffiti or submit an online service request. We can begin the process to have it removed.
- If graffiti has occurred on property owned by you, please "Start New Police Report" above to file a police report.
These are usually neighborhood nuisance situations. You will not receive a permanent case number. You may wish to call Washoe Animal Control number 775-322-3647.